Popular Educational Twitter Hashtags

I came across a tweet about this infographic and wanted to share it.  Personally, I find Twitter to be one of the best professional development tools around.  I’ve learned so much from the people I follow.  Many times I’ve needed some feedback on an issue and my Twitter support system has been there.

A recent comment from a follower sums up my feelings about this social network:  “Twitter is like sitting next to all the smartest kids in class.”  It’s a great place to hang out.

Popular Educational Twitter Hashtags
Compiled By: OnlineCollegeCourses.com


In the second week of the Student Blogging Challenge students were asked to create avatars and write about them.  The students were given several options for sites that they could use to build an avatar.  Some used DoppleMe, Clayyourself, and Voki.  My personal favorites are Voki and Meez.  Voki avatars speak giving the students a voice; whereas, Meez avatars can be animated.

Student bloggers from a previous challenge used the avatars in a variety of ways.

I found a site that provided links to several different avatar creation tools.   It’s called Web Tools for Kids.  It’s part of an educational project that introduces technology as a classroom teaching tool.
Some of the sites I particularly liked were:
Wimp Yourself  With so many of the younger crowd enjoying the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series it’s “time to get wimpy.”

Claymation  Create an avatar out of clay.  This site brought back memories of childhood cartoons.


Build Your Wild Self  Embellish your avatar with animal parts.  Who doesn’t like Where The Wild Things Are?


Reasonably Clever.  Visualize yourself in plastic.  These avatars remind me of the Lego toys.


Honest Johnny  A text to speech avatar.


As you look at my different avatars I wonder if you can notice some similarities?  Let’s play 20 questions.  Leave a comment and guess what I really look like and what I like to do.

The first thing I think about when I’m introduced to a new technology tool is how can this be used with students.  One education student used avatars in his lesson plan on bullying.  Each of the students created an avatar in the image of what they perceived a bully to look like.  They then used the images as a springboard for a discussion on stereotypes.


How can educators use avatars in the classroom?  Check out these articles for more information.






Image credit: day-mondiale.com